Different Types of Strip Curtains
Strip Curtains are pvc barriers designed to cover doorways and enclose areas for environmental protection and temperature control. A typical strip curtain to cover a doorway is made from individual strips of pvc ( various types ) and a hardware component (which typically hangs over the doorway).
We have categorized some common strip curtains below :
Standard Smooth Strip Curtains: Made from flexible PVC, these are commonly used in warehouses and industrial settings to control temperature and reduce noise while allowing easy access. They are made from standard smooth materials typically 6-12" wide and ranging in thickness from .06 to .120 " thick.
Standard Ribbed Strip Curtains: Similar to standard smooth PVC but exhibit ribs across the strip ( back and front same as blog picture ). These strip curtains are more durable and can withstand harsher conditions, making them suitable for loading docks and high-traffic areas. They are commonly recommended for machine traffic as the ribs add a buffer upon impact against forklifts and other machinery. Ribbed strips also slide over loads quicker with less friction since there is less surface contact with the entire strip.
Anti-Static Strip Curtains: Similar to Standard Smooth Strips but specifically designed for environments where static electricity is a concern, such as electronic manufacturing, these curtains help reduce static buildup. These strips are common in clean rooms, data centers, labs etc.
Colored or Tinted Strip Curtains: Available in various colors, these can be used for aesthetic purposes or to indicate specific zones in a facility. Welding grade strips are also tinted to protect harmful UV Rays. Orange safety strips are commonly used to outline doors allowing for forklift and equipment operators to guide themselves. Completely opaque strips ( non see thru ) are available in blue, green, red, black, white and grey among other colors.
Low Temperature Strip Curtains Available in Ribbed or Smooth Designs look much like the standard smooth and standard ribbed strip curtains but are extruded for lower temperature usage such as in Freezers and Coolers. These strips are more pliable and stay softer in colder conditions.
See our custom Door Kit Builder Online where all of the above options are available :